Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Praising Him for His blessings

I'm reflecting back on this week versus last week. A week ago, the burden was so heavy as to be unbearable. Today, it's better. There's still pain there. There's still that ache in my heart, but it's not quite as bad. I guess that means that there's hope that I can go on.

The doctor visit was good yesterday, and I had a chance to encourage several people while I was there. My health remains good, maybe a little better, even, for those who want to know.

Dinner with my long-time friend and her children was great. We shared a lot of good memories about B, I got to impress them with my culinary skills (I can open a box of brownie mix with the best of them,) we laughed, and I felt like I was a little bit alive once again.

It'll be a long time before things feel somewhat normal again, but I'm getting better, one step at a time.


Anonymous said...

A man that can bake brownies! Wow! I know you probably said something else but that's all I remember... I'm glad this was a good day for you. CPCWarrior

Timotheus said...

Thanks, Josh. By the way, hope your birthday was good.

CPCWarrior: I also make a killer omelet. It's the only thing in the kitchen that I could outdo B on. If you ask me nicely, I tell you my secret.


  Doctrinal Study Baptism    I.        Mode of Baptism  A.      Various modes of Baptism  1.      Immersion – In this view, a person must be...