Sunday, January 10, 2021



A Doctrinal Study

I.                    Meaning of the term forgiveness

A.                In the Old Testament there are three words for forgiveness

1.          “to cover” kaphar

2.          “to lift away” nasa'

3.          “to send away” calach

B.                 In the Greek it means to “let go” or “send away”  ἀφίημι (ä-fē'-ā-mē)

C.                “In the New Testament forgiveness is the separation of the sinner from his sins through the sacrifice of Christ and upon the ground of pure grace” – R.G. Lee

D.                The word remission is often used in connection with forgiveness.

1.          It is a derivative of the Greek word translated forgive

2.          It means freedom, or pardon

II.                 Alternatives to Forgiveness

A.                “God might conceivably have dealt with sin by ignoring it.  But this would have been a denial of His Word and a disregarding of His holy law.  The Almighty will not permanently wink at man’s iniquity.  He will never enter into collusion with the sinner.  Sin merits, and will receive death.  From this there is no escape.  A God who could ignore sin would not be the God of the Bible.”  -- Woodbridge, Handbook of Christian Truth

B.                 Compromising with sin

1.          “God might presumably solve the sin problem by bargaining with the sinner.  He might accept in payment for sin man’s offering of character or of deeds well done.  Thus God might balance good against evil and on such a basis waive the penalty for sin.  But this could never be.  To enter into such an agreement with creatures who have rebelled against Him would be to deny His own character of holiness and righteousness.” – Woodbridge, Handbook of Christian Truth

2.          “Divine forgiveness is never an act of leniency;  God can righteously forgive only when the full satisfaction of His holiness has been met.”  -- Lewis Sperry Chafer, He That Is Spiritual

C.                There is no alternative for forgiveness

III.              The Author of Forgiveness

A.                God Alone                              

1.          Forgiveness is the Divine prerogative

2.          As sinners, we have broken the law of God, therefore, only God can forgive us.

B.                 The channel of forgiveness is Jesus Christ

1.          The fact that Jesus forgave people of their sins was an issue of contention with the Jewish leaders (Mark 2:7)

2.          Jesus had the right to forgive sin because He was God manifest in the flesh.

3.          Acts 13:38 “Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:”

IV.              The Foundation or Basis for Forgiveness

A.                Forgiveness is bestowed on the foundation of the Lords compassion.  Psalm 78:38  “But He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not…”

B.                 Forgiveness is bestowed on the grounds of Divine Justice.  I John 1:9 “…He is faithful and just to forgive ….”

C.                Forgiveness is bestowed on the basis of the Blood of Christ.  Eph. 1:7 “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins…

V.                 Who needs Forgiveness?

A.                Those who require forgiveness for salvation (sinners)

B.                 Those who require forgiveness for fellowship (believers)

VI.              The Extent of God’s Forgiveness

A.                When God forgives sinners, the pardon is complete.

B.                 When Jesus forgives, He forgives all sin.

1.          Luke 7:47  “Wherefore I say unto you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.”

2.          “Who forgives all thine iniquities”   Psalm 103:3

3.          “… having forgiven you all trespasses” Colossians 2:13

C.                The distance God removes our sins from us is infinite.  Psalm 103:12

D.                Sins forgiven are sins forgotten

1.          Hebrews 10:17  “And their sins and iniquities I will remember no more.”

2.          “When they are forgiven, they are erased, not only from God’s book of records, but also from His book of remembrance.” – Woodbridge, Handbook of Christian Truth

VII.           The Conditions of Forgiveness

A.                Repentance (Acts 2:38; 5:31)

B.                 Faith.  Luke 7:50 “Thy faith hath saved thee” ; repentances led to faith and forgiveness.

C.                Confession (I John 1:9; Psalm 32:5)

D.                Forgiving others                                

1.          “God has given us a mind to remember and a heart to forgive.”  -- David Lintz

2.          Ephesians 4:32 “And be ye kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”

VIII.          The frequency of forgiveness

A.                How many times will our Heavenly Father forgive us?

1.          As often as we sin and confess our sin.  I John 1:7

2.          Repentance also involves forsaking sin – “We cannot expect God to take away sin by forgiving it if we do not put it away by forsaking it.” – Vance Havner

B.                 How often should we forgive someone who sins against us?  (Matthew 18:21-35)

IX.              The Possession of Forgiveness

A.                “We have”, a present possession.  Many expect to wait until after death to know whether or not they have been forgiven.  The Gospel brings the glad news of a forgiveness that is a present possession.  Ephesians 1:7

1.          The woman in Luke 7:36-50 received forgiveness immediately. 

2.          I John 2:12, “I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His Name’s sake.”

B.                 We present a positive Gospel message that men might know assuredly here and now that their sins have been forgiven beyond the shadow of a doubt.


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