Thursday, December 18, 2008

What's wrong with these people?

Intel Corp Survey: Nearly 1/2 of all women prefer the Internet to sex

48 percent of women and 30 percent of men prefer the Internet to sex, according to a new study by Intel Corp.

The study asked more than 2,000 adults what they would rather give up for a period of two weeks, the Internet or sex.

I can't speak for the women, but any man who would prefer the internet to sex obviously hasn't had any good sex. (Just saying.)


Unknown said...

Do you believe that Jesus Christ died on a cross for your sins?

Timotheus said...

Of course I do. He's been my Saviour since November 2, 1960.


  Doctrinal Study Baptism    I.        Mode of Baptism  A.      Various modes of Baptism  1.      Immersion – In this view, a person must be...